Dans la continuité de « La France des solutions », créée par Reporters d’Espoirs en 2013, se développent des initiatives similaires, à l’étranger, et particulièrement en Espagne. Nos amis de EnPositivo ont ainsi lancé « Barcelone des solutions » en mai dernier. Cet automne, le vendredi 25 novembre 2016, c’est au tour de la ville de Gérone, toujours en Catalogne, d’accueillir « Girona de les solucions ».
Reporters d’Espoirs est associée à l’événement, avec notamment la présence de Gilles Vanderpooten, son dirigeant, qui profitera du voyage pour développer les liens avec journalistes espagnols et associations locales.
L’Europe des solutions est en marche !
> Programme & Infos sur http://lasciudadesdelassoluciones.org/
> Communiqué en anglais :
Positive ideas for a city with hope for the future
The event will take place next November 25, from 9 h. to 14:30 h., at EspaiCaixa Girona (Pl. del Poeta Marquina, 10, bxs.)
The aim of the Conference is to give visibility to the innovative solutions that apply to the challenges of Girona. Endeavors coming from NGO’s, administrations and the private sector aimed at improving the citizenship’s general welfare.
Girona, November 15th, 2016. The event will take place on Friday, November 25 at EspaiCaixa Girona. An opportunity to know outstanding examples of citizens, institutions, companies and administrations that transform their immediate environment through positive impact initiatives. Attendance is free upon registration online on the website of « La Girona de les Solucions ». Limited places.
Designed for the citizens of Girona and as an inspiring model for other cities, the event puts its focus of attention in the human capital of Girona and provides visibility to the inspiring characters who, with their effort and creativity, contribute to create a better future. “La Girona of solutions” has the institutional support of the City Council of Girona and the Diputació de Girona, and the collaboration of Obra Social « la Caixa ».
The event opens with the presence of the Mayor of Girona, Mrs. Marta Madrenas; The President of the Diputación de Girona, Mr. Pere Vila; the Territorial Delegate of the Government in Girona, Mr. Eudald Casadesús; the Dean of the Universitat de Girona, Mr. Sergi Bonet; the President of the Cambra de Comerç de Girona, Mr. Domènec Espadalé; the representative of CaixaBank, Sr. Bernat Rubió; and the President of the Catalan Journalists Association in Girona, Mr. Joan Ventura.
The day opens with an inspirational talk conducted by Joan Roca, who will speak on how El Celler de Can Roca, one of the best restaurants in the world, conveys his social commitment through a foundation.
« The Girona solutions » is organized by En Positivo, a non-profit association that publishes www.enpositivo.com news portal since eight years ago and promotes a constructive vision of journalism and the role of the media in contemporary societies.
The program is organized around four themes: entrepreneurship and innovation; solutions journalism; culture, tourism and education and collaborative and social city. Among the institutions, administrations and companies involved in the program we find the Girona City Council, the Diputació de Girona, Universitat de Girona, Fundació Princess of Girona, the Territorial Delegation of the Government of the Generalitat in Girona, private foundation Creativació, Catalan voluntary Federation, the Foundation Ramón Noguera, Obra Social « la Caixa », Unigirona Sports Club or the Girona Biomedical Research Institute, as well as projects from the private sector, with Xkelet (a start-up that manufactures immobilizing braces with 3D printing) or Indiko (web platform that allows the evaluation of cities around the world through the analysis of standardized indicators).
In the segment dedicated to journalism’s solutions there will be discussion about the role of the media as a proactive agent for social change and its role to broadcast positive initiatives, the participation of the representatives of the Catalan Journalist Association and the most prominent media of Girona.
« La Girona de les Solucions » will conclude with a statement by a representative of Proactive Open Arms, a Catalan NGO whose main mission is to rescue from sea refugees arriving in Europe fleeing wars, persecution or poverty.
The full program of « La Girona of solutions » can be found at: